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How many films will be available, and what will they cover

Submissions are still open, so we can't be precise, but last year, we had approximately 120 films available as part of the festival.

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These will be films covering a variety of adventure sports, expeditions and environmental films. All of our films are carefully selected as part of the festival process.

Early in January Community Pass holders will have access to the selected film collection. Household Pass holders will have access from the start of this year's festival.

Running: Lace up and hit the ground running—films that capture the thrill of the chase, the solitude of a morning jog, and the sheer determination of runners on every terrain.

Journeys: Pack your bags for adventures far and wide—stories that take you on epic travels, transformative treks, and unforgettable voyages.

Human Experience: Dive into the heart of life—films that explore the raw, beautiful, and universal stories of being human, from everyday moments to extraordinary feats.

Cycling: Pedal into the passion and power of cycling—whether it's high-speed races, scenic rides, or personal stories of freedom on two wheels.

Swim & Surf: Catch a wave or glide through tranquil waters—these films celebrate the adventure, artistry, and athleticism of swimming and surfing.

Mountains: Reach new heights with breathtaking tales from the peaks—films that showcase majestic landscapes and the stories of those who explore them.

Climbing: Grip tightly and don’t look down—this category features pulse-pounding stories of climbers scaling cliffs, conquering fears, and defying gravity.

Plants & Wildlife: Explore the lush, wild, and untamed—films that reveal the wonders of nature, from tiny flora to majestic creatures and the world they inhabit.

Paddles: Row, row, row your boat—or kayak, or canoe—films that take you on water-bound adventures, from tranquil lakes to roaring rapids.

Ski & Snow: Bundle up for the ultimate cold-weather thrills—stories from the slopes that showcase life's speed, skill, and splendour in the snow.

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